Resources for Unlearning White Supremacy, Supporting Black Voices, and Becoming a Real Ally to the Black Community

The last few weeks have highlighted the racial inequity and anti-blackness that has permeated our country for time immemorial. At this point, Olivia and I feel our time and platform are best spent uplifting black voices and sharing resources for combating internalized and systemic racism. This post will act as a repository for all the sources we mentioned in the podcast episode, complete with links.

Anti-Racist Educational Resources

Guides on How to be a Good Activist and Ally

Donation Lists

Petition/Representative Advice

  • Most petitions that will get attention can be found on

    • This only takes a few seconds per petition once you make an account

    • When you finish signing one, will recommend similar petitions to sign all at once.

    • Remember that, if you decide to donate money to, the money does not go to the creators of the petition but rather the website itself

  • Make sure you contact your representatives, too!

    • You can find the contact info for your local/state representative on 

    • We also recommend finding the contact info for the District Attorney and other legal representatives to demand justice in the geographical location where police brutality has taken place.

    • In all things, make sure you voice your concerns to your state representatives about any issues of civil rights. Question their stances and priorities, and send emails so there’s a paper trail of your complaints/demands.

    • On a local level, we encourage you to call and write emails to your city government, chamber of commerce, etc. to enact smaller-scale change. It’s easier to overwhelm small governments into making necessary change!

    • Form letters:



      • Make sure you customize these form emails beyond your name and contact information. Government offices can set up filters for common form emails and send them directly to their trash file, but customization will bypass those filters and ensure they have to read your thoughts.

Supporting Black Creators Outside of Activism

Finally, our Patreon and merch revenue for this month will go to the Marsha P. Johnson Institute (, which works to protect the human rights of transgender people all over the world, in honor of Pride Month. If you feel compelled to donate to our Patreon, we recommend cutting out the middleman and donating to one of the charities we listed here (or one you found yourself). 

If you have any other products, businesses, media, books, lists, charities, etc. to share, please DM us! We’d love to add your suggestions to this list. Thank you for listening as we take responsibility for our privilege and work to undo the damage white supremacy has continued to do to the black community.